Publication @ Heritage: Interacting with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Language Model ChatGPT: a Synopsis of Earth Observation and remote sensing in Archaeology


Publication @ Heritage: Interacting with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Language Model ChatGPT: a Synopsis of Earth Observation and remote sensing in Archaeology

In this communication we aim to provide an overview of Earth observation and remote sensing in archaeology following a non-traditional literature review approach, that is, investigating recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and language models. Towards this direction, the generative pre-trained transformer (ChatGPT) language model was used to extract relevant information. The ChatGPT language model—recently released by OpenAI—appears to provide an alternative way for retrieving comprehensive information for various thematic topics. ChatGPT is currently operated on a beta version by millions of users worldwide, free of access for a limited period. In this study, specific queries related to Earth observation and remote sensing in archaeology were made by the authors to the ChatGPT. Innovations and limitations are discussed, while a comparison with traditional bibliographic analysis is performed.

Agapiou A., Lysandrou V., 2023, Interacting with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Language Model ChatGPT: a Synopsis of Earth Observation and remote sensing in Archaeology, Heritage, 6(5), 4072-4085;

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