ENGINEER participates at the Survey of Twinning sister projects of EPIBOOST

ENGINEER participates at the Survey of Twinning sister projects of EPIBOOST

In the framework of the FOCUS GROUP (FG) of twinning sister projects of EPIBOOST, coordinated by the University of Aveiro, Portugal, the Coordinator of the ENGINNER Project has participated at the FG by replying to inquiries. EPIBOOST colleagues have designing the Guide for Twinning Projects Implementation. More details about the survey:

“The present survey was collaboratively built by members of the Focus Group (FG) on Twining projects management, established within the scope of activities planned in the EPIBOOST project, funded by the EU in the call HORIZONWIDERA- 2021-ACCESS-03 (GA 101078991). The FG is composed of EPIBOOST and sister projects that expressed their interest in being involved in the development of a good practices guide on Twining projects management: CutCancer, ENGINEER, FEWL, FONDA, HybridNeuro, MRITwins, NanoCAT, PANGEA4CalVal, REGENEU, SALTOpower, SAME-NeuroID, STEPUPIORS, SUPRALIFE, TESTARE, TwInSolar, TwinVECTOR. This survey, distributed to coordinators of sister projects that have previously expressed their willingness to respond to surveys within the scope of the elaboration of the aforementioned guide, will collect data on the current practice that Twining projects adopt concerning capacitation activities and other project outputs. Data will be used to support recommendations given in the good practices guide on Twining projects management. The questions are largely based on the information requested by the SyGMa (System for Grant Management) platform for continuous reporting where all partners, and the Coordinator to a larger extent, need to provide information regarding the progress of Twinning projects. The responses are anonymously collected.”

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