Internal meeting between the PIs of the advanced partners and CUT

Internal meeting between the PIs of the advanced partners and CUT

A meeting was held earlier this day between CUT members and the PIs of the advanced partners to discuss and finalize the details of the upcoming activities Workshop 3 and Summer School 2. Both the topics and dates (22-23 of April 2024) of the Workshop 3, that will be hosted by UCL in their premises, have been agreed and communicated between all partners. The linked activities of the workshop with the Summer School 2 to be hosted by CUT in Cyprus were also discussed and the final dates for the organization of this event have been finalized (12-14 of June 2024). The partners also progressed with elaborating on the organization of other upcoming activities, e.g., Virtual Trainings and Industry & Knowledge Transfer events, which are planned within the next year of the project. Part of the meeting was recorded and the video recording was shared to the partners along with an updated calendar of ENGINEER project.

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