New publication @ Preprints

New publication @ Preprints

A joint publication has been accepted in Preprints dealing with the formation of cropmarks, a method widely used for the detection of shallow archaeological remains. Find more here: Agapiou A., Gravanis. E., 2024, A machine learning-assisted classification algorithm for the detection of archaeological proxies (cropmarks) based on reflectance signatures, Doi: 10.20944/preprints202403.1045.v1

Abstract: Detection of subsurface archaeological remains using a range of remote sensing methods, poses several challenges until today. Recent studies regarding the detection of archaeological proxies like those of cropmarks highlight the complexity of the phenomenon. In this work we present three different methods, and associated indices, for identifying stressed reflectance signatures indicating buried archaeological remains, based on a dataset of measured ground spec-troradiometric reflectance. Several spectral profiles between the visible and near infrared part of the spectrum, were taken over a controlled environment in Cyprus during the 2011-2012 and are re-used in this study. The first two (spectral) methods are based on a suitable analysis of the spectral signatures in (1) the visible part of the spectrum, and in particular in the neighborhood of 570 nm, and (2) the red edge-near infrared part of the spectrum, in the neighborhood of 730 nm. Machine learning (decision trees) allows for the deduction of suitable wavelengths to focus on, in order to formulate the proposed indices and the associated classification criteria (decision boundaries) that can enhance the detection probability of stressed vegetation. Noise in the signal is taken into account by simulating reflectance signatures perturbed by white noise. Applying decision tree classification on the ensemble of simulations and basic statistical analysis we refine the formula-tion of the indices and criteria for the noisy signatures. The success rate of the proposed methods is over 90%. The third method rests on the estimation of vegetation/canopy reflectance parameters through inversion of the physical-based PROSAIL reflectance model and the associated classification through machine learning methods. The obtained results provide further insights into the formation of stress vegetation that occurred due to the presence of shallow buried archaeological remains, which are well aligned with physical-based models and existing empirical knowledge. To the best of the authors knowledge this is the first study demonstrating the usefulness of radiative transfer models such as PROSAIL for understanding the formation of cropmarks. Similar studies can support future research directions towards the development of regional remote sensing methods and algorithms if systematic observations are adequately dispersed in space and time.

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