ENGINEER Poster at the CAA Conference at Serres, Greece

ENGINEER Poster at the CAA Conference at Serres, Greece

A synopsis of activities of the ENGINEER project was provided the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) conference in Serres, Greece organized between 16-17 of April, 2024 by PhD candidate and member of the project, Argyro Argyrou. Argyro presented the poster prepared for disseminating the outcomes of ENGINEER activities at the CAA conference, presenting an overview of the workshops, summer school, trainings and the overall methodology followed. ENGINEER poster drew the attention of conference participants who interacted with Argyro to learn more about the project.

Argyrou A., Aktas Y. D., Barazzetti L., Costa A., Cuca B., D.’ Ayala D., Gravanis E., Hadjipetrou S., Kafataris G., Kyriakides N., Kyriakidis P., Lysandrou V., Nisantzi A., Oreni D., Previtali M., Skarlatos D., Tavares A., Vlachos M. Votris R., Agapiou A, Synopsis of activities of the ENGINEER project, 5th CAA-GR Conference 2024, 16-17 April, Serres, Greece

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