Monthly Archives - June 2024

June 2024


At the Tombs of the Kings site, following the necessary approval from the Department of Antiquities, samples were systematically collected from Tombs 4 and 7. This meticulous process was carried out under the direct supervision of an official from the Department of Antiquities to ensure that all procedures adhered to the established guidelines and preservation standards. The presence of the departmental officer ensured that the sampling was done with utmost care, maintaining the integrity of the archaeological site and its...

ENGINEER Second Summer School

The 2nd Summer School, dedicated to Structural Assessment (and 3D Documentation), was successfully conducted this week, bringing together a diverse group of experts and participants. Members from the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) collaborated closely with their counterparts from University College London (UCL) and UAVEIRO, along with POLIMI and ECoE. The collective effort was directed towards the comprehensive valuation and study of Tomb 7 and Tomb 4 at the Tombs of the Kings site, a prestigious UNESCO World Heritage protected...

Lecture to PhD students, Course of the POLIMI PhD School

Branca Cuca presented a lecture for PhD students at the POLIMI PhD School as part of the course titled "The Copernicus Green Revolution for Sustainable Development." This course explores the transformative potential of the Copernicus programme in advancing sustainable development by leveraging advanced satellite data and earth observation techniques. It aims to equip approximately 20 PhD candidates, participating in a blended mode (both in-person and virtual), with the knowledge and skills to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals...

DEPLOYED internal CUT funded project initiated

The project titled "DEPLOYED: Detection of Archaeological Proxies using Low Altitude Systems and Pedological Studies" is an internally funded initiative by the Cyprus University of Technology. This project has recently been initiated with the aim of leveraging innovative technologies and research to enhance the detection and analysis of archaeological sites. By combining low altitude aerial systems, such as drones equipped with specialized sensors, with comprehensive soil studies, the project seeks to identify and interpret archaeological proxies with greater precision. The...