ENGINEER team visit at PWD

ENGINEER team visit at PWD

In the context of the structural assessment and monitoring activities on the Tomb of the Kings in Paphos, initiated during the second (2nd) Project’s summer school, members of the ENGINEER CUT team visited the Laboratory Sector of the Public Work Department (LSPWD) to explore potential collaboration. The collaboration involves utilizing the ultrasonic system available at LSPWD for further mechanical properties testing of the Tombs of the Kings. The team, consisting of Dr. Nicholas Kyriakides, Dr. Orestes Marangos and Dr. Renos Votsis, visited the laboratory on two occasions, on July 5th and July 12th 2024, following a positive response from the LSPWD, facilitated by Ms. Thekla Kadi. The LSPWD team included Mr. Minas Tapakis, Executive Engineer, and Ms. Panayiota Kadi, Technical Engineer. 

During the visit, the ENGINEER’s CUT team had the opportunity to use the equipment on concrete samples, recording and analyzing data on designated software. It was agreed that the equipment would provide useful information on the mechanical properties of the structural items of the Tombs. Consequently, it was decided that a group from the ENGINEER’s CUT team and the LSPWD would visit the Tombs for on-site measurements. 

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