Lecture to PhD students, Course of the POLIMI PhD School

Lecture to PhD students, Course of the POLIMI PhD School

Branca Cuca presented a lecture for PhD students at the POLIMI PhD School as part of the course titled “The Copernicus Green Revolution for Sustainable Development.” This course explores the transformative potential of the Copernicus programme in advancing sustainable development by leveraging advanced satellite data and earth observation techniques. It aims to equip approximately 20 PhD candidates, participating in a blended mode (both in-person and virtual), with the knowledge and skills to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

A highlight of the course was Seminar #10, “Copernicus for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,” which focused on the role of engineers in utilizing the Copernicus programme to support and advance the SDGs. The seminar emphasized practical applications and case studies. For more details on the course curriculum, please refer to the Detailed Programme. 

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