Tag - Workshop

June 2023

First Workshop

First Workshop and Summer School of the ENGINEER project!

The 1st Workshop and Summer School focused on 3D Modelling and Technologies was successfully implemented this week. CUT members joint forces with POLIMI advance partners towards the documentation of the Tomb7 of the Tombs of the Kings sites, an UNESCO World Heritage protected site. Special thanks to the Department of Antiquities for their support and providing access to the site. Close range photogrammetry, laser scanners, total station, GNSS sensors, low altitude systems and spectroradiometers have been used in this effort. UAVEIRO also participated...

May 2023


EURISY, Disaster Management Workshop

ENGINEER project was presented by the coordinator of the project Dr Athos Agapiou at the Cyprus National Workshop "Satellite-based Services for Disaster Risk Management" organized at Hilton Hotel in Nicosia organised by Eurisy, Department of Electronic Communications and EUSPA. The presentation was entitled “Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage, Examples from Cyprus”. Find more information about the event here.

Preparation meeting between UAVEIRO and CUT for the 2nd Workshop and the 3rd Short term staff exchange actions

Online meeting with the PI of UAVEIRO team Dr Alice Tavares to plan forthcoming activities between Portugal and Cyprus. Dr. Giuseppe Pace coordinator of the COST action Underground4Value was invited to the meeting by Dr. Tavares. A brief presentation of the Engineer project was carried out, while on his turn his briefly presented the U4V project. The possibility of presenting the toolbox/platform of the COST action during one of the Engineer activities was discussed. Also, Dr. Pace invited Dr. Lysandrou...