ENGINEER Personnel Ranked Among Top 2% Researchers Worldwide

ENGINEER Personnel Ranked Among Top 2% Researchers Worldwide

The high-quality and international impact research work of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) is reflected in the inclusion of twenty-four (24) of its academics among the world’s leading researchers.

The updated databases “Data for updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators” have recently been published, with data up to the end of 2021, which include the leading researchers worldwide, both throughout their academic careers and exclusively for the year 2021. These lists are created at Stanford University in the United States by the team of Professor John P.A. Ioannides, using the SCOPUS database. Their creation method relies on a detailed normalization of the metric of cross-citations that attract published research articles, a key tool for the recognition and impact of research work worldwide, in order to avoid their misuse and misinterpretation.

The list of the world’s leading researchers, throughout their academic careers, includes the following 2 CUT faculty members/researchers who are also research personnel of the ENGINEER project:

  • Ass. Prof. Athos Agapiou (coordinator)
  • Prof. Phaedon Kyriakidis

More information available (in Greek): link

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