Discussion during the Experts Visit (EV) 1

Discussion during the Experts Visit (EV) 1

The first expert visit (EV) meeting scheduled under WP1 took place on Wednesday, Nov 9th in Limassol (premises of the Crown Plaza Hotel) between CUT and POLIMI members. The meeting was linked to activities of WP1 and more specifically to Task 1.1 Baseline and opportunity assessment.

The first part of the meeting had a focus on a brief presentation of WP1 Knowledge and Research Gap, on the needs for such assessment in a Widening project such as Engineer, and on some envisaged outcomes. In the second part, the topics regarded methods and actions that could facilitate information collection on the existing performance and capacity of the CUT.

More specifically, partners recalled that one part of T1.1 focuses on providing a profile of CUT staff on four main aspects: research performance and innovation capacity, infrastructure facilities, and resources. To collect significant information that will serve for further analysis, POLIMI Team has proposed to set up an online questionnaire. Such a tool will aim at one side facilitating CUT colleagues that can provide information through a user-friendly interface; on the other side, the tool will allow for structured answers to be easily consulted and successfully analysed by the POLIMI team. Partners have reflected on possible suitable solutions for a set-up of the tool.

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