News & Events

May 2023

ENGINEER-EPIBOOST Sister Twinning Projects Focus Group

The ENGINEER project, join forces with EPIBOOST Twinning project. EPIBOOST - BOOSting excellence in environmental EPIgenetics is a twinning project lead by the the University of Aveiro, Portugal, having as advanced partners the University of Ghent, Belgium, and CSIC, Spain. The EPIBOOST project identifies the coordinators of sister Twinning projects as relevant stakeholders for the co-elaboration of a good practice guide on the management of widening projects. ENGINEER is considered as a sister project focus group, participating in the meetings and...

Discussion during the Experts Visit (EV) 1

The first expert visit (EV) meeting scheduled under WP1 took place on Wednesday, Nov 9th in Limassol (premises of the Crown Plaza Hotel) between CUT and POLIMI members. The meeting was linked to activities of WP1 and more specifically to Task 1.1 Baseline and opportunity assessment. The first part of the meeting had a focus on a brief presentation of WP1 Knowledge and Research Gap, on the needs for such assessment in a Widening project such as Engineer, and on some...

March 2023

On-line consortium meeting. Updated activities calendar meeting after the kick-off meeting decisions

The tele-meeting was a follow-up of the kick of meeting that took place in Limassol, Nov. 9-11, 2022, aiming to clarify some points in relation with the CSA activities of the ENGINEER project. The meeting was divided in two parts. During the first part the updated activities (including all types of physical and virtual trainings, meetings and actions included in the project proposal) calendar has been discussed and agreed by all participants, primarily based on what has been initially discussed during...

January 2023

RIF announcement on the successful proposals under Twinning call

The Research and Innovation Foundation (IdEK) wishes to inform interested parties about the results of the first Call for Proposals " Twinning " (Topic ID: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03-01), of the Work Program 2021-22 of the Horizontal Priority "Widening Participation & Strengthening the European Research Area (Widening Participation & Strengthening the ERA)" of Horizon Europe, the EU Framework Program. for Research and Innovation 2021-2027. Cyprus was very successful in this Call for Submissions by securing the financing of 9 Proposals, in which Cypriot institutions will have a coordinating role and will...

November 2022

ENGINEER Personnel Ranked Among Top 2% Researchers Worldwide

The high-quality and international impact research work of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) is reflected in the inclusion of twenty-four (24) of its academics among the world's leading researchers. The updated databases "Data for updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" have recently been published, with data up to the end of 2021, which include the leading researchers worldwide, both throughout their academic careers and exclusively for the year 2021. These lists are created at Stanford University in the...

ENGINEER networking @ UNESCO Headquarters, 3-4 November 2022, Paris

UNESCO hosted the International Conference “Transforming Knowledge for Just and Sustainable Futures” to mark the 30th anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme.

The coordinator of the project, Dr Athos Agapiou, with his capacity as the Deputy Director of the UNESCO Chair on Digital hritaHeri Heritage, had the opportunity to participate to the 30th anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme held in Paris. The event was an opportunity to further promote network and enhance collaboration with other UNESCO Chair holders...

School Visits by ENGINEER Coordinator Dr. Athos Agapiou, 31 October 2022

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) invited Dr. Athos Agapiou to participate in visits at Primary and Secondary Schools during 31st of October 2022,  in the framework of the “Researchers at Schools” Programme. The main objective of the Programme is to increase the interaction between students/teachers and researchers as well as to promote the significance of research, innovation, and science, presenting at the same time scientific and research careers as an attractive career option for the future. Dr. Agapiou had the...

Online meeting for WP1 between CUT, POLIMI and ECoE

An online meeting was held on the 24th of October within the framework of ENGINEER project and for the needs of Task 1.1: Baseline and opportunity assessment which is led by POLIMI. The meeting served as a first introduction between CUT and POLIMI members before the kick-off meeting which will take place in Limassol (Cyprus) in person. The meeting was also aiming to introduce the assessment activities of CUT laboratories across four parameters stated in the project description: a. research...